تجربتي مع الاكتئاب ما بعد الولادة, و كيف تخطيتها. اتمنى أن قصتى ستساعدكم.
A mother’s story: What helped me get over my baby blues.
Many new moms experience the baby blues after giving birth.
You are not alone!
لقد أنشأت هذه الصفحة الخاصة على الفيسبوك للأمهات لمشاركة ومناقشة تجربتهن مع اكتئاب ما بعد . الولادة والحصول على المساعدة والدعم من بعضهن البعض انضمي إلى الصفحة: اكتئاب ما بعد الولادة. لست وحدك https://www.facebook.com/groups/740887230023544…
08 January 2017
Krystel | 22nd Jan 17
That is so true! It was very hard on me as well!
Thank you Carine for sharing, Things would have Been easier on me if I had the chance to know all this before! I am sure many future moms will benefit a lot from our experiences.
Good Luck to all!
roula | 22nd Jan 17
thank you very much carine to talk about your experience after the birth and it helps a lot the new moms
Houri | 22nd Jan 17
You are so brave to speak so personally. Well done. I’m sure many expecting or new moms will appreciate your candid and authentic story.
Nataly | 22nd Jan 17
Hayaty beautiful video, went through it and still going through it every now and then. He is only 2 months old and sometimes i feel I’m going to ‘pick up’ and leave !!!!! then he smiles ‘the little monster’ and i decide maybe i stay one more day hahaha miss you and hope to see you soon xxxx